Overview of Pesticide Wastewater Treatment:

Impacts of Pesticides in Water, Treatment Process & Solution

Pesticides in Water: Source & Complex

What are pesticides? Pesticides include insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and other compounds used widely in agriculture, aquaculture and the food industry to control pests and disease. 

pesticide wastewater treatment
Pesticide Wastewater Treatment

Pesticides play important roles in agriculture, aquaculture, food processing and storage by preventing disease and protecting crops, however widespread use has led to pesticide pollution in surface water at levels hazardous to health. Pesticides are often recalcitrant to conventional biological wastewater treatment.                                                                                                                                                                    Pesticide residues are frequently found in surface water at levels hazardous to health even in low concentrations. Overflow from pesticide-treated areas can contaminate surface waters like streams, ponds, lakes as well as groundwater wells with pesticide residues. These residues in surface water may harm aquatic plants and animals and pollute groundwater supplies. Contaminated water can also impact livestock and crops downstream.                                                                                                                                                                    These recalcitrant and toxic pesticides persist through conventional treatment methods such as biological treatments,incineration and flocculation/coagulation etc.                           

Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Process

Reassessing conventional wastewater treatment methods is critical to enhancing the overall quality of our water resources and aquatic ecosystems, Conventional treatment shows little decrease in pesticide levels, leaving resistant organic carbon and pesticide molecules.Therefore people find alternative wastewater treatment process to handle pesticide pollution in water.

electrolytic water mass transfer process
Schematic diagram ofelectrocatalytic oxidationtechnology

Electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs) are among the most promising alternative wastewater treatment methods because the oxidants they generate in-situ can degrade and mineralize a wide range of water pollutants.      When combined with flocculation, biochemistry, membrane treatment and other technologies, EAOPs offer outstanding benefits and promising opportunities for thoroughly purifying and remediating high-concentration wastewaters resistant to conventional treatment. 

Electrochemical oxidation  process can degrade organic compounds through direct and indirect oxidation. Direct oxidation removes organic matter by adsorbing organic pollutants onto the anode surface for electron transfer. Depending on the extent of oxidation, it includes electrochemical conversion and electrochemical combustion. Indirect oxidation removes organics by generating active intermediates or highly oxidizing metal oxides on the anode surface.

OH radicals are among the strongest known oxidants.

Boron-doped diamond (BDD) is a popular electrode material for producing hydroxyl radicals (•OH) because it requires a substantially higher potential than other materials before generating oxygen gas (O2), thus increasing the efficiency with which it generates •OH. The high oxidative power of BDD anodes for degrading refractory organic compounds stems from minimal adsorption of the formed •OH radicals onto the BDD surface compared to other anode materials. Minuscule adsorption of •OH onto BDD leaves nearly all free in solution to oxidize contaminants, giving BDD superior activity for oxidizing even persistent organics. 

The process of water electrolysis can be summarized by the following half-reactions:

At the cathode: 2H+ + 2e- -> H2 (hydrogen gas)

At the anode: O2 + 2H2O + 4e- -> 4OH- (oxygen gas)

direct and indirect oxidation on the surface of boron doped diamond electrode
Electrolytic water masstransfer process

Pesticide Wastewater Treatment Case Study

Cases and applications of electrochemical oxidation process and boron doped diamond material of pesticide wastewater treatment .

electro oxidation wastewater treatment

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 Degradation of Highly Soluble Pesticides: Application of Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode

Free Pesticide Wastewater Profile Analysis

Eavoaeo is a company specializes in offering solution to tackle the challenges from complex wastewater with our years of experiences with electro oxidation wastewater treatment technology, we offer customized solution to a vast variety of businesses and organizations, industries dealing with obstinate organic chemicals in their effluents.

Our services encompass:

Industrial wastewater treatment

Facilitating safe water reuse

Ensuring compliance with discharge regulations

Reducing the need for wasteful wastewater incineration

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