Boron Doped Diamond Solutions
Boron doped diamond electrode, functions as fundamentals for multiple electrochemical applications, demonstrates a portfolio of unparalleled properties such as dimensional stability, superb chemical stability, largest electrochemical potential window which increase oxygen evolution potential and electrochemical generation of hydroxyl radical in low background current, enhance the electrochemical oxidation reaction efficiency. These properties dtinguishing boron doped diamond electrode as unparalleled in the realm of electrochemistry. Their standout features include an impressively expansive potential window, surpassing that of any other electrode material.resistance to surface fouling ensuring prolonged and consistent performance are added benefits to this excellent electrode material for various applications, especially electrochemical oxidation treatment applications. Evoaeo developed a large collections of boron doped diamond electrodes and materials targeting a broad range of markets, especially organic wastewater treatment. Evoaeo is the sore manufacturer and supplier of large area boron doped diamond (BDD) electrodes with silicon substrates, and commercially availale wastewater treatment products in the greater China area. The boron doped diamond solutions collection is offered to customers to further advance the technology and develop products. The collection includes: Boron doped diamond fabrication. Boron doped diamond electrolysis. Electro oxidation wastewater treatment products with boron doped diamond BDD anodes

*Potential Window & Background Current Comparison Among Boron Doped Diamond Electrode and MMO Electrodes, Conventional Electrodes.
*Potential window comparison between Boron Doped Diamond Electrode, and Pb,MOX Electrodes (iridium oxide), and platinum electrode.
Boron Doped Diamond Fabrication On Industrial Scale As Basic of Boron Doped Diamond Solution And Commercially Available Applications

We always deliver professional electrode fabrication to conduct synthetic diamond growth. We adopt Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method, Hot-Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) to be precise, to fabricate high performance and superb quality boron doped diamond electrodes, followed by post-growth heat treatment such heat treatment via air. Boron doped diamond electrodes are grown mainly on silicon and niobium. We extends to selecting and utilizing raw materials for diverse applications and cost optimization. Followed by laser cutting, electrode assembly aggregate Evoaeo’s ability to offer one stop solutions for boron doped diamond electrode development and further applications.

Basic Components of Boron Doped Diamond Solutions: Boron Doped Diamond Electrode

Check sizes, shapes, specifications and electrochemical application of BDD electrodes we can supply by clicking the button below. And feel free to reaching out to us to discuss about electrode material custom. What is more, we can conduct free water profile analysis for your experimental and evaluation processes over electro oxidation treatment methods, and a full scale water treatment products to fit different scale of applications, flow rates, circulation times and etc.
Boron Doped Diamond Electrolysis & Boron Doped Diamond Solutions
This part of content explains electrochemical application of boron doped diamond electrode for electro oxidation treatment of wastewater, it will help you comprehend how electro oxidation treatment method tackle the challenges with complex waste streams, especially industrial effluents with huge amount of recalcitrant organic compounds.

Best anode material
Boron doped diamond electrode got extremely high oxygen evolution potential and the widest electrochemical window among all electrodes.
Superb organic pollutant removal efficiency, resistant to acid and alkali, less fouling, easy to operate and maintenance.
No extra toxic chemicals need to be added to the electro oxdiation processes. Hydroxyl radicals mineralize organic compounds.
Boron Doped Diamond Electrode In Electrochemical Water Treatment
Boron doped diamond electrode is an excellent electrode material used in electrochemical water treatment, wastewater remediation and disinfection via boron doped diamond electrode are proven to be efficient and environmental friendly, via various research, testing, treatability assessment in electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs).
Electrochemical water treatment via boron doped diamond electrode involves applying an electric current between anodic and cathodic electrodes to generate oxidizing agents that mineralize organic compounds in wastewater. Usually the actual oxidizing agents generated from the electrochemical oxidation processes depends on the types of anode material and electrolyte, and electrical current. Boron doped diamond electrode was proven to be a new pathway to electrochemical water treatment innovation as it has extraordinary capability of generating oxidizing agents such hydroxyl radicals (OH¯), Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, and other oxidizing agents, for its larger kinetic overpotential for oxygen (O2) production than Platinum and Mixed metal oxide (MMO) electrode aka Dimensionally Stable Anodes/DSA, making them the new choice for efficient removal of resilient organic pollutants. The electrochemical oxidation process via boron doped diamond electrode can be summarized by the following reactions:
BDD +H₂O →BDD(·OH)+ H+ + e- Hydroxyl radicals react rapidly with many organic compounds through major mechanisms: radical addition, hydrogen abstraction, electron transfer, and radical combination. These interactions create carbon-centered radicals (R• or R•–OH), which can be converted to organic peroxyl radicals (ROO) by using O2. Highly reactive oxidizing agents such as H2O2 and superoxide (O2•), less active than Hydroxyl radicals, such as are Hydrogen peroxide and generated when further reaction of Hydroxyl radical continues.
Advanced Electrochemical Oxidation with Boron Doped Diamond Electrode
Evoaeo team spent years to study and utilize advanced electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOP) with boron doped diamond electrodes, EAOP is a promising advancement in wastewater treatment industry, EAOP conducted via BDD electrode was proven to be the most efficient treatment methods to eliminate refractory rollutants from real wastewater.
Boron doped diamond electrodes combines stability, anti-fouling, and prolonged working time, unmatched electrochemical reaction performances for electrochemical oxidation applications, including advanced electro oxidation. During this innovative advanced electro oxidation processes, boron doped diamond electrode as the anode material, generate hydroxyl radicals from its surface, OH radicals is one of the most active oxidants as it’s with the second highest oxidation potential amongst all oxidizing agents, and hydroxyl radicals mineralize almost all sorts of organic molecules for its non-selective oxidation natures, which means hydroxyl radicals mineralize all types of organic pollutants to CO2, water and substances. Organic compounds we treated within previous experiments and projects:
Remediation of total organic carbon (TOC) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) Total nitrogen Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) Antibiotics from pharmaceutical wastewater BTEX Phenols and its variations TPH from petrochemical industries Dimethyl carbonate (DMC) Ethylene carbonate (EC/C3H4O3) Ethyl Methyl Carbonate (EMC) Diethyl carbonate (DEC/C5H10O3) and etc

Boron Doped Diamond Electrode Is The Basic Component Of Advanced Oxidation Wastewater Treatment, And Electro Oxidation Wastewater Treatment Projects
- Project Data & Case Stuides
Pioneering a New Era of AOP Excellence
Visit compendium to demonstrate how we meet and bested those challenges. We conducted operational parameters assessment, management mesurements.