Water Pollution
Water Pollution & Sources, Impacts
Water is especially vulnerable to pollution.
Water pollution occurs when harmful pollutants, especially chemicals and micro-organisms contaminate water bodies such as streams, lakes, rivers, ocean, degrading water quality.
Major sources of water pollution worldwide are: wastewater generated by commercial/industrial, agricultural activities, oil pollution, radioactive waste/substances etc.
Water pollution affects human health,and aquatic environments such as groundwater (mostly drinking water), surface water (lakes and rivers) and then ocean.
Industrial Wastewater Explained
Water discharged from commericial and industrial sources contains various pollutants at high density. Industrial wastewater treatment is a recent phenomenon that only gained attention in recent years after decades of industrialization. For instance, in the USA, it wasn’t until the 1970s that environmental concerns regarding water pollution became a priority, and industry was forced to comply with strict treatment standards and regulations which enacted Clean Water Act of 1972

Laws and Regulation Amongst Major Economies
With extended industrialization and fast urban growth, major economies in the world passed water pollution law and regulations due to rapid-growing unexclusive awareness and concerns over water pollutions, we managed to make a list of laws and regulations in major economies: German Federal Water Act (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz, WHG), Water Act in France, UK’s Water Resources Act.
Major Pollutants of Industrial Waste Water
Although domestic sewage plants are commonly known, there are many other types of wastewater that are also monitored and regulated. For example, metalworking facilities generate a range of pollutants that need to be removed, while food processing plants discharge high levels of BOD and COD, which can seriously impact aquatic life downstream. Phosphorus from laundry and e-coating operations, as well as acid mine drainage, are other types of wastewater that require attention.
Wastewater Treatment Materials
Why Water Treatment Matters?
One in ten people lacks access to clean water nowadays, water pollution is one of the major reasons that affects availability of fresh water.
As water shortage crisis continue to grow, waste water treatment and water recycling has become vitally crucial for sustainable development, in both social and economic aspects.
Waste water treatment faces multiple challenges such as removing micro pollutants within the ecological environment due to discharge of both industrial and municipal wastewater.
Boron-doped Diamond & Wastewater Treatment
Boron-doped diamond, with its electro-oxidation features to remove antibiotic and obtund biofouling, coupling with nanofiltration, when it comes to waste water treatment, boron doped diamond (BDD) is the ideal anode material for electro-oxidation technology that use electrons provided by electrical current to destroy bio-refractory chemicals and degrade organic pollutants in industrial waste water, COD reduces during electrolysis.
Boron-doped Electrode Developed by Evoaeo
Evoaeo helping industrial clients comply with environmental regulations by removing contaminants and pollutant from wastewater before disposing of it, by developing various products based on boron-doped diamond materials.
With wide range applications of boron doped diamond electrodes, Evoaeo team work side by side with their clients to identify their concerns, and potential solutions the type of devices needed to treat the water safely.
BDD electrode developed by Evoaeo, designed for electrochemical oxidation treatment of wastewater
Wastewater Treatment Solution
It’s our goal to provide solution which is cost-effective and no chemical by-products by applying boron doped diamond electrodes, and what is more the also being compliant with industry standards. One way we determine the effectuality of our solutions is by conducting onsite testing via the beaker testing module, which covers testing of COD and BOD levels of the waste water. Setting up a series of test modules testing the results and containing the wastewater when install amounts of bdd electrodes are added to each module.
Send an email to enquiry@evoaeo.com to initialize a consultation to help ensure that your wastewater is part of the solution instead of problem.