
Guangdong Province Printing Wastewater Degradation Data Report

Guangdong Province Printing Wastewater Degradation Data Report


  1. Water sample

Guangdong printing wastewater


  1. Electrode

BDD portable Test Equipment

Anode: Si base BDD electrode, working area is 420cm2

Cathode: Ti

Plate spacing: 2mm


  1. Experimental operation and phenomenon

Take 1L of raw water into the BDD electrocatalytic system; the conductivity of the raw water is low, add 2% anhydrous sodium sulfate; the actual use area of the anode is 420cm2; the current density is 40mA/cm²; During the process, stir the water sample with a magnetic stirrer to make it homogeneous。

The raw water is dark black, no foam is produced during the degradation process, and almost no precipitation occurs, and the water sample becomes clear after 3-4 hours of degradation。

case study of paper and pulp wastewater treatment
Pict. 1:  Raw Water


case study of paper and pulp wastewater treatment- after degradation
Pic 2:  After degradation


case study of paper and pulp wastewater treatment- degradation process
Figure 3 Degradation process(


  1. Experimental data analysis
Time/h voltage/V Ampere/A Working area


Engergy cost/




0 5.64 16.8 150 >110450 5-6
3 5.31 289.3 >53270 3-4
5 6.2 483 13042.8 3-4
7 5.85 676.2 603.1 8-9





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